Take YOUR health in your own hands: the Herbatheek Book
For more than 25 years author Stef Mintiens,
trained in both conventional and naturalmedicine, has been successfully helpinghis patients getting cured from all kinds of (chronic) health issues. Mintiens claims that anyone can improve their health by following these 5 simple steps:
1) Know what you eat
2) Exercise
3) Have a positive mental attitude
4) Live healthy without stressing about it
5) Take responsability for your own health
Take your health in your own hands is a very practical and easy manual for a healthy andabove all playfull lifestyle.
In it’s more than 300 pages you will find:
• Tips for a healthy lifestyle
• Clear advice and explanations on commonhealth issues
• The nutritional contents of basic food ingredients(from breakfast to ice cream)
• A useful herbs A to Z
• Healthy and delicious recipes for each season
• Detox and purification tips
• Kneipp hydrotherapy manual
• Unique illustrations by Erwin Vanmol
Main goal of his work is to make people aware that a healthy, natural lifestyle is easy (not time consuming) and fits in a normal everyday life. Trying out the advices in the book will soon show how much energy you can gain, how health problems can disappear and how easy it is to make delicious and healthy food.The book was written in Dutch, and we just finished the English translation. Which was also a conversion to the measures and quantities mostly used in anglo-saxon countries.
Published in July 2016 by Aerial Media Company
For more information, please check the publisher’s page
Contacteer ons
Herbatheek Gent, LOV'D
Koning Albertlaan 750475 49 12 12